Mechanical Circular Paper Chart Recorder

  • A chart recorder is an electromechanical device that records an electrical or mechanical input trend onto a piece of paper (the chart).
  • Wingoil circular paper chart recorder is 9 or 12-inch chart sizes, which can record any combination of pressure and temperature recording.

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Mechanical Circular Paper Chart Recorder

Circular Chart Recorders

  •     • Any combination of pressure and temperature recording:  1,2 or 3 pen
  •     • Small tough compact Steel Epoxy coated case
  •     • 1% measurement accuracy
  •     • 9 or 12 inch chart sizes
  •     • Panel, wall and pipe mounting or portable options available
  •     • Battery or mechanical chart drive
  •     • Very robust and proven design
  •     • Low cost solution for chart recording

Pens, Charts & Accessories

A complete range of charts, pens and accessories are kept in stock, many of our accessories are interchangeable with other manufacturer’s recorders(circular chart recorders).

Talk to the Experts…

  •     * Both mechanical and graphical recorders(circular chart recorders) and controllers
  •     * Control system functionality
  •     * System design and installation expertise
  •     * Huge installation base in over 90 countries
  •     * Proven in central Saudi Arabian deserts through to jungles of Malaysia


  •     * Oil & Gas
  •     * Refining
  •     * Petrochemical
  •     * Food & Dairy
  •     * Plastics


  •     * Gas Transmission/Distribution
  •     * Industrial Ovens/Furnaces
  •     * Pharmaceutical Process Lines
  •     * Dairy Pasteurisation
  •     * Hydrostatic Pressure Testing


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